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Debye Technic

Recalculation Application and Its Importance in Calorific Value Analysis

Updated: Dec 6, 2024

The thermal (calorific) value analysis of the samples is made using a bomb calorimeter. During the analysis of the samples with the calorimeter, after the sample is placed in the decomposition vessel resistant to high pressure, the combustion process is carried out with the help of pure oxygen. The energy value released as a result of the complete combustion of the sample with the bomb calorimeter is defined as the gross (upper) calorie. However, there are different parameters that do not affect the gross calorific value and affect the net calorific value of the samples. For this reason, the net calorific value of the sample to be used should also be calculated. The net (lower) calorific value is defined as the energy value when the water in the sample becomes completely steam as a result of the complete combustion of the sample. While evaluating the calorific value results, the gross and net calorie values should be examined separately.

While calculating the net calorie value of the samples, the gross calorie value obtained as a result of the analysis made using the calorimeter device and other parameters in its content are used. For example, when calculating the net calorie value for coal samples, the gross calorie value, the sample’s moisture content, and sulfur, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen contents are used. (For detailed information on calculating the net and gross calorific value in coal samples, you can contact us.) The high amount of volatile matter, ash, and moisture in the coal content reduces the net calorific value. Therefore, to get the proper efficiency from the fuel used, the gross and net calorie values must be calculated correctly.

Parameters (such as the amount of moisture in the sample and the amount of hydrogen) required for the calculation of the net calorific value of the calorimeter IC210 interface system can be added to the calculation after the analysis is completed. The IC 210 Calorimeter interface stores the analyzes performed by the users in its memory, and with this feature, past analyzes can be accessed at any time and analyzes can be recalculated. In cases where the parameters such as hydrogen or moisture content of the samples are not known before the analysis, the values are entered incorrectly, or the values are forgotten to be entered through the interface before the analysis, users can calculate the correct calorific value of the sample thanks to the recalculation tab. In this way, users can calculate the correct net or gross calorie value by editing or adding to their historical analyses without losing data. All calculations made over the calorimeter IC210 interface are carried out in accordance with ASTM and ISO standards. In addition to the recalculation feature, the recalculated analysis results using the Calorimeter IC210 interface can be saved to the system or the computer as Excel or PDF output.

In addition to the calorimeter IC210 interface, we have a RECALCULATION application that we developed upon requests from different calorimeter users. Thanks to the RECALCULATION application, users can calculate the net and gross calorie values of their samples in accordance with ASTM and ISO standards. Thanks to this application, regardless of the calorimeter brand and model, the calorific value results can be recalculated, stored in the application memory, and saved to the user's computer as output. The only data required to recalculate the results through the application is the raw data from the calorimeter device and the values of the relevant parameters. Analyzes can be carried out with a calorimeter without specifying the relevant parameters of the sample such as humidity and hydrogen content, and the result obtained (gross calorific value) can be used in the RECALCULATION application for calculation. Thanks to the application, wet base, dry base in air, and dry base gross and net calorific values can be calculated for coal samples. (You can contact us for detailed information about the moisture determination in coal samples and the differences in the calorific value of different bases of coal.) Please contact us to access the RECALCULATION application.

Recalculation software of Debye Technic

Many parameters affect the thermal value (calorific value) analysis. If the relevant parameters are not included in the calculations, the results obtained are not correct and reliable, resulting in erroneous results for the quality, yield, and economic value of the sample. If the results obtained from calorimeter devices cannot be used directly, calculations by unreliable data processing programs without complying with the standards cause erroneous calorific values to be obtained. At this point, as Debye Technic, we develop user-friendly applications to the demands of our users in the products we produce and develop, and we follow international standards in all the products we develop. For this reason, in addition to the RECALCULATION software we have developed, we offer training to our users about application notes, parameters that affect calorie values, and more.

You can visit our website for detailed information about the IC 210 Calorimeter, RECALCULATION application, and our application notes, and you can contact us to send your requests.


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