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Debye Technic

Elimination of Errors in the Use of Bomb Calorimeter: Common Problems and Solutions

A bomb calorimeter is a device used to measure the energy value released by the combustion of a substance. It is possible for bomb calorimeters used in determining thermodynamic properties in many fields such as industrial chemistry, consumer goods, pharmacology, energy sectors to give accurate results with the right use and maintenance. However, various errors may be observed in the analyses from time to time. In order to obtain the correct results in the analyses performed, it is necessary to use the device correctly and pay attention to the necessary factors.  In this article, the common problems encountered in bomb calorimeters and suggestions for solutions to them will be discussed.

use of bomb calorimeter: common problems and solutions

The Sample is Not Homogeneous

It is of great importance that the sample whose energy value will be measured is homogeneous. In non-homogeneous samples, complete combustion may not occur and this may make the analysis results incorrect. For the uniformity of solid samples, the sample sizes are small and uniform, ensuring that each part heats up at the same rate, complete combustion takes place. Auxiliary products such as magnetic mixer, ultrasonic mixer and mixer are used for liquid samples. Magnetic mixers allow liquids to become homogeneous and increase their solubility by heating the sample. In this way, the accuracy of the measurement results increases in both sample types.

Lack of Oxygen at a Sufficient Level to the Analysis Chamber

The lack of oxygen causes the combustion reaction to be incomplete and the results to be erroneous. It is of great importance that the sample is completely burned in order for the analysis results to reflect the truth. The lack of a sufficient level of pure oxygen inside the bomb calorimeter chamber prevents the complete combustion of the sample. For sufficient oxygen filling; the pressure and flow level inside the oxygen cylinder should be checked. It should be noted that the value set with the regulator is at the recommended level. It should be ensured that the filling apparatus used to fill the hopper is fully installed in the hopper and that there are no leaks in its hoses.

Analysis Chamber

The analysis chamber is a critical equipment for reliable and consistent analysis results. Problems that may occur in the chamber, which is called a Calorimeter bomb in the literature, directly affect the analysis result. The fact that the walls of the analysis chamber are not clean, or the sample residues left from previous analyses are not cleaned, affects the results of the new analysis to be performed Jul. Therefore, the analysis device (calorimeter bomb) must be sterilized before and after each analysis. The fact that the legs of the analysis chamber are in contact with each other may lead to electrical problems and cause security vulnerabilities. The positioning of the legs of the calorimeter bomb should be checked. In case of contact of the legs with each other, the necessary parts should be replaced. In addition, if the legs are loose, their legs should be fixed with the help of fasteners. If the improvements are not made sure, the hopper should not be used and support should be requested by contacting the manufacturer.


Connecting the combustion wires for electrical connections is important for the combustion process. Loose connection or disconnection of the combustion wire may not provide sufficient electrical conduction. This causes the sample not to burn completely. It should be checked that the incinerator wire to be connected is not damaged and is sufficiently compressible. In addition, the incinerator wire must be in contact with the sample. In case of non-contact, combustion may not occur in the sample and the analysis may be taken incorrectly. It should be observed that the incinerator wire attached to the legs of the calorimeter bomb is in contact with the sample.

The fact that the electrical values of the incinerator wire to be used have been approved by the bomb calorimeter manufacturer will ensure that a safe and accurate analysis is performed.

Device Calibration

The fact that the calibration of the bomb calorimeter is not among the acceptable RSD (Relative Standard Deviation) values directly affects the reliability of the analysis results. Dec. The calibration process may deviate from the results of the analyses to be performed on devices that are not within the December specified by the standards, may affect the repeatability and reliability of the data. The system calibration process should also be repeated for the calibrated devices in case of ambient conditions or part changes.

For accurate results, the bomb calorimeter must be calibrated regularly, appropriate equipment must be used, and environmental conditions must be checked. Reliability should be ensured by verification with standard samples after calibration.

In order for the bomb calorimeter to give accurate results, proper use and regular maintenance are essential. Correct calibration, wire connections, chamber cleaning and sample preparation increase the reliability of the analyses. Taking the necessary precautions and regular maintenance increases the efficiency of the device and guarantees its longevity.

At Debye Technic, we offer expert service to ensure the highest quality and guarantee the efficient operation of your equipment. We will be glad to help you with our expert team on issues such as calibration, maintenance and technical support. You can contact us to get any kind of support about our products.


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